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 JWN69 Necklace 18" in 2-3 wood heishe super bleach, 4-5 coco heishe fuschia, 12mm wood bead fuschia, 15 & 20mm wood bead pink w/ floral design, 18mm wood bead white, resin oval lt. yellow, 20mm wood bead w/ wax cord pink & lilac & 25mm wood bead cream
Item Code: JMS619
Necklace 33" in black satin ribbon, frog shell orange,lumbang seed black
Price: $56.50
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Necklace 16" w/ whiteshell graduated lilac & 7-8 coco pukalet brown w/ splashing blue |
2-3mm pukalet tiger brown & 2mm glass beads yellow w/ 50mm MOP flower w/ groove |
Necklace 18 inches in white shell square cut neon green, white, lime green and neon yellow and nasa shell white. |
Fashion Coin Purse jewelry, purely handcrafted and handmade from the finest shells |
16" 6-7 white clam heishi & white rose square cut blue |
Necklace 34" in 4-5mm whiteshell heishe, 4mm pearlize bead white, 17x18mm wood pillow super bleach, 20mm twisted cord wrapping white w/ gold painting & 20mm wood bead super bleach |